Making Music Matter
El Paso Pro-Musica has worked to provide our Community with comforting, soothing music during the Global Pandemic. We will continue to work to provide you with Music that can fill your heart with joy, featuring our Artistic Director Zuill Bailey, Incredible Faculty and Students from the UTEP Department of Music and the Center for Arts Entrepreneurship and Artists you have grown to know and love from Concert Halls in El Paso and Las Cruces. El Paso Pro-Musica Thanks You for your Continued Support. We will continue to Make Music Matter in our World!
Intersection of Possibilities!
Thank you to Sanders/Wingo for this sneak peek at an intimate concert and conversation with Grammy Award Winning Cellist and El Paso Pro-Musica Artistic Director Zuill Bailey. He is a proud ambassador of El Paso and our region. Stay tuned for the full video that showcases the economic development of El Paso, Juarez and Las Cruces.
Click HERE to listen to Talking Nonprofits with Tephanie
EPPM/UTEP Center for Arts Entrepreneurship is Proud of the Amazing Programs of the UTEP Department of Music and UTEP Choirs. Get Ready for another Incredible Week of Choral Connections during the Global Pandemic with “Sing Hope Love.”
Together, UTEP Concert Chorale and percussionists Dr. Andy Smith and Amy Smith perform ¨Ffe Mwe, Mwe Ffe¨ by Joan Szymko.
Video editor: Alejandra Nuñez Vargas Special thanks to Mr. Stephen Haddad and crew for video and audio recording.
“Cookies & Cellos”
Time to kick back and relax with Felipa and her AMAZING Chocolate Chip Cookies, and the exquisite sound of the Cello at Twilight with Cellist Chris Beroes-Haigis. Remember, for Every Donation on El Paso Giving Day, you will receive Felipa’s Special Paella Recipe and Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe.
“Jamming with Patatas Bravas”
It is time for the El Paso Giving Day “Traffic Jam,” Power Hour, and El Paso Pro-Musica will help you keep your cool by relaxing in the kitchen with an amazing recipe that uses Potatoes, Your Imagination and the Most Amazing Spices in the World. Watch and learn how Felipa takes Potatoes to another level.
“Grammy’s and Scallops”
Watch this Intense lesson in Searing Scallops and creating the ultimate Virtual Tapa during El Paso Giving Day. Felipa will guide you and inspire you with a Symphony of Flavors…with Artistic Director Zuill Bailey performing the Grammy Award Winning “Tales of Hemingway,” and a tribute to Ernest Hemingway and Felipa’s Roots in Spain!
“Good Morning it’s Tapa Thursday”
Felipa’s Family Roots in Sevilla will Super-Charge your Morning. A Fabulous Recipe from the region of Andalucia in Spain, along with the Beautiful Music of “Tales of Hemingway,” Zuill Bailey’s Grammy Award Winning CD, inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s Travels to Spain.
“Midnight Brownies”
Felipa’s Brownie/Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe: Whether you are staying up late or waking up for the early shift, Felipa’s Recipe for the ultimate Brownie/Cookie delight your senses. Watch how your favorite Brownie recipe and your favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe can come together for the ultimate dessert.
UTEP Arts Alive continues its journey across the beautiful UTEP Campus as we celebrate the diversity and vibrancy of Arts on Campus. Enjoy the Chairman of the UTEP Department of Music and Trombonist, Dr. Steve Wilson at the Centennial Plaza.
UTEP Arts Alive, The interdisciplinary Virtual collaboration showing the diversity and vibrancy of the Arts on Campus during COVID-19 Kicks off Today! Our Artistic Director Zuill Bailey performs Bach from the glorious Lhakhang on the UTEP Campus. setting the tone for an exciting month of Arts at UTEP.
El Paso Pro-Musica Artistic Director Zuill Bailey is “Making Music Matter,” by providing soothing comforting music in an amazing collaboration with El Pasoans Fighting Hunger.
Zuill Bailey in a Special Conversation about his love of Classical Music, courtesy of the Nashville Symphony.
Cellist Chris Beroes-Haigis, from the UTEP Cello Studio of Zuill Bailey and violinist Leonardo Pineda of Venezuela, perform “Natalia,” by Antonio Lauro.
Zuill Bailey provides comfort to “Oceanville,” at the Hospitals of Providence through the eyes of an amazing patient.
Celebrating Beethoven! Here are EPPM’s Good Friends “The Vega Quartet,” Guest Artists of the 2019 Chamber Music Festival.
Chris Beroes-Haigis performs “The Swan,” by Camille Saint- Saens with an incredible Harpist from Hungary, Bettina Toth, who he met during his undergraduate studies at Bard in New York.
Bach Prelude to Suite No. 1, performed by our Artistic Director Zuill Bailey, at the beautiful St. John’s Cathedral in Spokane, Washington.
Artistic Director Zuill Bailey and Cellist Cicely Parnas and their fabulous “National Anthem” Soundcheck at Southwest University Park.
“It Don’t Mean a Thing,” by the incomparable Duke Ellington performed by our good friend, Matt Herskowitz sending all the love in the world from his living room in Montreal.
El Paso Pro-Musica/ UTEP Center for Arts Entrepreneurship Director Zuill Bailey and UTEP Grad Student Chris Beroes- Haigis form the ultimate duo in this virtual performance of “Dance of the Blessed Spirits,” by Christoph Gluck.
From Bach To Borscht: making a Borscht by EPPM Friend and Wonderful Pianist Yuliya Gorenman
Piensa en Mi Sin Final by Alejandra Sandoval
An Incredible Vocal Student of UTEP’s Department of Music offers this Beautiful Words to Comfort and Soothe
Food and Music! Pianist Yuliya Gorenman shares the power of “Soup” with her Passover Matzo Ball Chicken Soup Recipe.
The Beautiful “Meditation,” by Jules Massenet, performed at the studios of Colorado Public Radio with Artistic Director Zuill Bailey and Pianist and Conductor Michael Butterman.
Acclaimed Pianist and Head of the UTEP Piano Section, Oscar Macchioni, in a beautiful “living room” performance of the Chopin Nocturne, Op.9 No. 1
Watch this unforgettable Cello Duo withArtistic Director Zuill Bailey and UTEP Grad Student Chris Beroes-Haigis as they perform “Sicilienne,” by Maria Theresia von Paradis.
Cellist Zuill Bailey Visits EPISD Middle School, Talks Importance of Fine Arts – El Paso Herald Post.
EPPM hopes to engage with schools soon. Here is a glimpse of a very special Outreach with EPPM Artistic Director Zuill Bailey in 2019.
Oscar Macchioni continues his Series of Chopin Nocturnes, Op.9, No.2
Head of the UTEP Piano Section of the Department of Music, Dr. Oscar Macchioni in a virtural performance from his home, presents Nocturne, Op.9, No. 3
Alejandra Sandoval, an incredible member of Opera UTEP, and one of the many talented members of the UTEP Department of Music, who appeared in last week’s sensational, “What is Opera?2, performs “Chi Sprezzando il somme bene,” from Handel’s Oratorio, “La Passione.”
Cherry Duke, who created a “virtual” sensation with Opera UTEP’s “What is Opera?2” performs this stunning rendition of “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands.”
El Paso Pro-Musica Friend, Yuliya Gorenman performs the Bach Allemande from Partita in B flat major
An unforgettable Virtual Duet. Renowned Singer and esteemed member of the Vocal Faculty of the UTEP Department of Music, Alexander Kariotis and Broadway Star Ryan Silverman, who is literally, “singing from his shower,” perform an unforgettable rendition of “Maria,” from West Side Story.
Here is an uplifting way to begin your week! Faculty and Students of the Frost School of Music of the University of Miami, featuring El Pasoan Molly Blumenfeld, present a special “Song of Hope,” to lift spirits and hearts during this difficult time.
Watch Grammy Award Winning Artistic Director Zuill Bailey talk about the Power of Music at the TEDx UTEP Special Event, February 2019.
Sit back and Watch this amazing performance by the Roswell Symphony Trombone Section, with UTEP Department of Music Chairman Dr. Steve Wilson. They celebrate Beethoven’s 250th Birthday with “Drei Equale.” This Trombone Tribute features;
Bruce Keeling, Professor of Trombone, South Plains College
Jim Decker, Professor of Trombone, Texas Tech University
Richard Harris- Professor of Trombone, University of Denver
Steve Wilson, Professor of Trombone, University of Texas at El Paso
Amazing Grace arrangement by Cuban violinist and composer, Jenny Peña – performed by members of the Cuban American Youth Orchestra (Danielle González and Jose Luis Rubio Reyes, violins; Kip Riecken, viola; Chris Beroes-Haigis, cello)
Original Composition- “Song for Katya” by Matt Herskowitz
KTEP “Prime Time” Artistic Director Zuill Bailey talks to Dee Woo about the “Power of Music in a Pandemic ”
Yuliya Gorenman performs the Sonata in C Minor- First Movement- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
The glorious sounds of the Cello filled the air this weekend in Downtown El Paso, as Zuill Bailey provided comforting soothing sounds for all at the Kelly Center for Hunger Relief. He performed works by Bach as he comforted all on a Beautiful, Cloudy Saturday Morning.
An Incredible Virtual Performance of the Roswell Symphony Orchestra and their 2020 Beethoven Birthday Bash, featuring the incredible talents of Dr. Steve Wilson, Trombone, Cherry Duke and Brian Downen of the UTEP Department of Music Vocal Section.
Chris Beroes-Haigis, virtually alongside his colleague Carolina Silva Diaz from Colombia, performing the beautiful original song “Ausencia”
The outstanding pianist Yuliya Gorenman, who last performed at the El Paso Pro-Musica Chamber Music Festival, in January, 2019. From her Living Room, she performs the Rachmaninoff Vocalise, arranged by Yuliya.